Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Mia's Big Day


Well Mia has not had such a great weekend. She started having blood in her bowel movements. She has a fissure which needs to heal and a possible allergy to lactose (milk) so she was on IV feedings for a day and half to not have bowel movements to let the fissure heal and mom can't eat any dairy.  She was given a blood transfusion Monday since her hematocrit dropped due to the bleeding from her fissure.  One good thing we found out what blood type she is and she is the same as her momma!! She was very pale before the transfusion and now she is pink as all get out! She is back to herself now and nursed today like she hadn't eaten in weeks. :) She was very mad during her IV feedings that she wasn't been feed milk.  The other two girls are starting to get the whole nursing thing.  Adrie has to have abdominal xrays due to a swollen belly but it turns out she just had gas in her belly.  She needs a follow up tomorrow because the radiologist is catious and wants to be sure.  Brynn is not doing anything new she just is happy in her little incubator.  All girls are gaining weight and getting bigger.

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