Saturday, October 1, 2011

The "H" word


The "H" word has been throw around a few times with Miss Mia (HOME).  They are thinking she will probably been able to go home sometime this week.  She has her feeding tube out and she is in an open crib with a HUGS tag on so she doesn't crawl away (right Uncle Jeff- inside joke). Brynn and Adrie are still in their incubators but are not far behind Mia.  All are taking bottles Mia all feeding, and the other two most of their feedings. We don't like to talk about the "H" word because every time we do there is a set back.  So Adrie the other day had to be tipped three times for a Barium Enema.  She had to have it to r/o Hirshsprungs Disease (which as most of you know the Gyurasics' Family did not want her to have as we have dealt with this in the past with Baby Remi).  Mommy was in a panic when she heard that word as a diagnosis.  They had to do the BE twice and the first time the tip came out, so she was tipped a total of three times.  For those of you who have never had or heard of a BE, it is a Xray exam where Barium is injected into the colon thru a cath in the rectum.. the doctor watches the barium go up through the colon. Now I am sure all of you are squeezing your butt checks together in pain, now image you are a 6 week old preemie and have to do it three times!!!! OUCH!!!!! Mommy was like just get it over.  Thankfully the techs were nice and let me stay in the room while they were doing the exam and Adrie handled it like a champ.  Thankfully the test was normal after three tips, several xrays, and two attempts at a BE.  Mommy and Adrie both needed a nap.We were in xray for 4 hours and Mommy didn't even get paid.  Mia has had minimal blood in her bowel movements which means her fissure is healing YEAH!! Brynn is just hanging out letting her sisters get all the attention from the doctors.  She doesn't want any part of what her sisters have had to go through. Mia had her hearing tested and she can hear.  Every time she heard the tone she raised her hand!! LOL. She is so smart. :)

1 comment:

  1. Dad wants to know if Mia was asked to raise her hand when she heard the tone? Ha jk. Keep an eye on her. I think she's planning her escape! Happy to hear everything is good!
