Saturday, December 15, 2012

16 mons

Well the girls are almost 16 months.  They weigh around 18 pounds.  Lala and Lele are walking like crazy. Lulu just took steps this past Tues night.  The night before the physical therapist came to visit :)  She said they all were doing great.  We are excited to share Christmas with the girls this year as they are getting so big and will understand alot more this year. I know Santa is going to love visiting them.  We went to visit Santa at bass pro shop and two of the three screamed.  Lele was totally fine with him...she isn't afraid of anything. The picture is great. I posted  it on my FB page. We also had their pictures taken by a college friend of joe's wife.  Limelight photography in Sturgis MI...LOVE them !!!! They turned out great.  Right now we are experiencing our first sickness.  Lala has the stomach flu and today I was puked on and pooped on diarrhea.  She had four outfit changes, one bath, and one shower with mom.  Bad day...praying the other two do not get it. Here are some pictures. I love my girls!!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

15 mons

Well I haven't been keeping up very well.. the girls are going to be 15 months on the 19th.  They are growing up so fast.  Brynn and Mia take about 5 steps on their own and then sit down.  Adrie just watches them.  She is waiting for them to figure it out and then she will do it :)  All the girls can say "Addie, Woof, Woof" We are working on more words.  They are very mobile and love to pull themselves up and walk around anything.  It will be very soon that they will be walking.  We are enjoying this wonderful weather. The girls love to be outside.  We got our pictures taken for Christmas and they turned out wonderful.. I am having a hard time deciding which ones I like I guess I will just have to get them all :)  Thank you Lauren Sterling and Limelight Photography in Sturgis Michigan.  Everyone check them out she does an awesome job.  Here are a few pics that I took of the girls on this beautiful day. 

Monday, October 1, 2012

13 mons

Well the girls are 13 months now.  All three girls are getting their teeth.  Brynn has two top teeth, Adrie has one top tooth and the other top tooth just barely beneath the surface, and poor Mia has no teeth yet.  They are starting to work their way down.  Weird how the girls top teeth are coming through first, I thought it was suppose to be their bottom teeth. All three girls are saying words now. They all can say Addie (NO BIg surprise there, they love their best friend).  Lulu (A) also loves to fake sneeze and cough to get attention.  Lele (B) can say Addie the best--  I posted a video on FB awhile back.  Lala (M) says Addie and then jabbers something in a language I have no idea after---so she is probably yelling at Addie in her own way!  We separated Lala into her own room, she has been waking up in the night due to her teeth and waking the other two up.  All three girls can walk along things.  They walk along furniture, windowsills, and with walking toys. All three can stand on their own without holding on (only for a little bit until they realize and sit down ) Lele has taken a few steps so I think she is going to be the first to walk.  We will see we are working on that daily.  Hopefully by next month one will be walking. 


                                              the girls with their great grandparents

Sunday, August 26, 2012

1 yr picture

Here is a picture of the girls in their dresses for their birthday party.  My mom made them, I picked them out..

Black and White can really see the "1".

Thursday, August 23, 2012

1 year well check

We had our one year well check today.  All girls are doing great, still no teeth but maybe starting to pop through now.? 

A: 16# 3 oz and 27 inches long
B: 16# 1oz and 26 1/2 inches long
M: 16# 2oz and 26 3/4 inches long

Great job girls! All three are crawling. Adrie just learned two weeks ago. Mia and Brynn are crawling and pulling themselves up on stuff.  Mia can walk across the living room with the help of her new walking toy! The Dr said they are all doing fine... oh please fun thing wer were in a different room at the Dr's today and the room was decorated in DR Seuss!!!  Thing 1 and thing 2 were on the wall and the cat in the hat as too.  Too Funny!  Oh and make sure you check out the FRONT PAGE of the Liberty Press some special girls made the paper.. very nice article thanks so much for them doing that for the girls first birthday!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Birthday Party

Well the girls party was a success. We had a great time.. Joe made the girls cake and did a great job. It was the hat in Dr Seuss Cat in the Hat

                                                 Cake that daddy made.

                                                       Cupcakes that mommy made, Thing 1,2,3.

                                                                 The cake table..

                                                                     Here is how we decorated the garage

                                             This was a time line of the girls photographes

                                                                  This was the sign by the road.

We had a blast and so did the girls. They didn't really like the whole cupcake thing. Two vomited them back up and well one ate almost the whole thing!!

Monday, August 6, 2012

11 mons

Well their birthday is two weeks away so I better get their 11 mon post posted!!  Bynn has started crawling so now Mia and Brynn are crawling. Adrie is almost there, she just needs to put together her arm movements with her leg movements. Next week she will get it. Brynn and Mia also pull themselves up on toys, window ledges, and furniture.  All the girls are talking/babbling away. Mama, Dada, Baba non-stop. The girls enjoy swimming and walking around town in their wagon. We are looking forward to the fair and other summer activities.  We also are very much looking forward to their 1st Birthday Party which is just around the corner.  Mama better get working :) Here is a picture of their theme for the party THING 1, THING 2, THING 3!  Aunt Jodi and Uncle Jeff got the outfits for them and Mama made the hats!

Can't believe it's almost been a year!!!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

10 months

The girls are doing great. Mia is about to crawl. Brynn is right behind her and Adrie is on her own agenda!! :)  She is taking her good old time :).. Adrie is above 15 #s and the other two are just around 15#.  They are eating foods now which is sometimes a chore. Adrie loves her food and does the best. We went on our first boat ride.  The girls didn't like their life jackets but enjoyed the boat ride. We just celebrated the fourth of July and Aunt Missy got the girls headbands,  They wanted to eat the head bands instead of wearing them.   Theit birthday is just around the corner and I have already started planning it. I can't wait.

testing life jackets
                                                                              1st boat ride

1st time tubing!!
Happy 4th of July

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day

Today Joe celebrated his first Father's Day with the girls!!! The girls (including Addie) got him a card and a grill :) .. We know he will enjoy it!!! The girls took this picture for their dada!!! Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there. Enjoy!!!

9 mons (little late)

Well the girls are 9 mons (almost 10 by the time we put this up).. Mia now rolls back to front and front to back to get where ever she wants to go. Mia also says Dada and Mama. All girls are sitting on their own. We went the the special care drs and they say they are doing good. As you all know the girls lost one of their grandma greats this past month so we of course are very sad about this but they got to spend an afternoon with her before she got really sick.  We took pictures and had a great time with her.  We love her and are going to miss her very much. Here are some pictures we took with her.

Here are some pictures I took for their 9 mon pics.

Monday, May 7, 2012

First Zoo trip

We went to the zoo this weekend.. it was a good time. The polar bear, monkey and gorilla all came over and looked at the girls through the glass.  We have it all on video.  It was pretty cool.  We were stopped by about 30 people to ask us questions Are they triplets? etc... I even was wearing my t-shirt that says Yes they're triplets, yes they're mine, yes we're busy, Yes we are blessed.  One person asked if they were quads (we had two double strollers but one was filled with diaper bags). We also saw an older set of triplets Ironically in a caged in area hahaha... their mom said we know exactly how you feel! The girls got their first set of tennis shoes which we wore to the zoo.  Mia has now rolled from her back to her stomach and back and forth.  She is getting ready to crawl very soon. Brynn and Adrie are still working on it, they get about half way and give up.  Maybe next week.  I am excited to spend my first Mother's Day with the girls!!! It will be very extra special this year! Here are some pictures from the zoo.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

8 mons

The girls are 8 months. They all are starting to sit up and trying to crawl. Two weigh 13 # and the other is 12 1/2 #. Last DR appt they finally made the growth chart!!! WOO HOO! That was a big step for us.  They are all doing good, we have been taking walks and attending various sporting events.  We are trying to get the girls out and about as much as possible as long as the weather is good. Not much else going on right now. Here are some pics ENJOY

Monday, April 16, 2012


Here is Brynners making her noises....always good for a laugh


here are the girls with their wild hair!!
and cute smiles!

Easter Pic

Here are some pictures from Easter. The girls are sitting in their high chairs and starting to eat cereal. Next month we are hoping to start eating real food. We went to the preemie walk in downtown Toledo this past weekend.  We met up with Hannah, Adrie's roomie in the NICU and Nurse Amanda along with some other nurses from the NICU.  It was great to see everyone doing so well.  We can't wait for the NICU reunion in the fall. The girls have been out and about several times for walkings in town. We love the warm weather and can't wait for the summer!

 girls at the walk with Hannah and her mom.