Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Mia's Big Day


Well Mia has not had such a great weekend. She started having blood in her bowel movements. She has a fissure which needs to heal and a possible allergy to lactose (milk) so she was on IV feedings for a day and half to not have bowel movements to let the fissure heal and mom can't eat any dairy.  She was given a blood transfusion Monday since her hematocrit dropped due to the bleeding from her fissure.  One good thing we found out what blood type she is and she is the same as her momma!! She was very pale before the transfusion and now she is pink as all get out! She is back to herself now and nursed today like she hadn't eaten in weeks. :) She was very mad during her IV feedings that she wasn't been feed milk.  The other two girls are starting to get the whole nursing thing.  Adrie has to have abdominal xrays due to a swollen belly but it turns out she just had gas in her belly.  She needs a follow up tomorrow because the radiologist is catious and wants to be sure.  Brynn is not doing anything new she just is happy in her little incubator.  All girls are gaining weight and getting bigger.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Big Girls

Well the girls have decided they are going to be big girls now.  They all have started nursing and Mia has taken a bottle (Lactation Consultant not very happy about the bottle but oh well, good thing they are MY babies hahaha).  Girls are doing good, Mia is having some issues with blood in her stool but the doctors are all watching her and they think she might be allergic to fortifiers then add to the breast milk.  They have stopped the fortifiers and it has decreased a little so we will have to wait and see if that is the problem.  She also has a fissure which can cause blood too.  They are all problems that can be fixed easy so we are not worried at all but they are just going to keep an eye on it to make sure nothing else comes about with it. Girls are all gaining weight, Mia is almost 4# now (3# 12 1/2 oz), brynn is 3#4 1/2 oz, and Adrie is 3# 7oz. Here are some pics of Mia taking her first bottle...for obvious reasons we do not have pictures of them nursing so Mia is the only one with pics this post.  :)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Love our Nurses

We just love our nurses at the NICU. They are so funny. They love to joke around with us, which makes it a lot easier to come here everyday!! Here are some of the funny things they have done.

As you all know Joe hates Ohio State...so when they lost this weekend naturally Joe was happy. So before he arrived on Sunday Nurse Karen and Donna made these little hats for the girls!!!

 The Ronald McDonald house gave us these dolls.  Nurse Donna has been worried about these dolls, they were behind the blinds and she made Joe put them infront of the blinds because she thought they were too hot.  We joke that she will bottle feed the dolls before she feeds the girls. When I came back from pumping this is what I saw...
We joke that she is going to hook them up to the monitors. I think I might make three little monitors with leads tonight.  They are just dolls :)

And on each of the girls boards the nurses write a special thing about each girl, well Joe has written his own messages on each board.  Mia's said I love it when OSU loses. Brynn's says I like to poo in the tubby., and Adrie's says Susie gave me a blood blister.  Well this morning Nurse Donna changed Mia's to read...

She wanted to change all of them but decided not too, but was going to put on Brynn's I like to poo on my daddy (funny thing is she did the night before hahha).

The nurses make us laugh everyday with their jokes.  We couldn't ask for any better care for our girls.

Oh also sometimes the board says Please check our outfits Joe sometimes wears them home.. Right DAD HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA......that is what my dad thought it said on the board which really reads Please check our outfits we sometimes wear ours from home... hahahhaha

8 years ago

8 years ago Joe and I were married.  Never in our wildest dreams did we think we would be spending our 8th anniversary in NICU with our three daughter....but we wouldn't have it any other way!! So Happy Anniversay to us.  Brynn got us a present she is over 3# so I now have three 3# babies :)  YEAH!!!! Mia weighs 3# 9 1/2 oz, Brynn weighs 3# 1/4 oz, and Adrie weighs 3# 3 oz.  Way to go girls.  Also the girls were one month old yesterday!! I can't believe it. They had their head ultrasound yesterday and all were normal. The was a big relief for mommy. Girls are now being fed over an hour so they are starting to get close to maybe trying a bottle or nursing.  Mia is really ready, Brynn is kinda interested, and Adrie wants nothing to do with it.  She is on her own schedule and doesn't want to budge...oh great just wait right!! Well here are some pics of them 1 Month old!! Enjoy!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Go Tigers

Go Tigers Beat Patriots!!  Good luck Tigers!! We will be cheering!



not much changed from previous days. Girls are doing good!! Here is a video of Mia with her binky, I just love it. It makes me laugh everytime.  We are going to try and have a photo shoot tonight with Nurse Amanda so check back in tonight or tomorrow for a special surprise.... In mean time here are some pics today of the girls.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Eye exams

Today the girls all got eye exams. The doctor said even their eyes are the same. All three girls had normal premature eyes. He will be back later to follow up with them. All girls got tubby baths again today. Brynn and adrie got baths in our tub from the shower (very difficult) decided to do small tub from hospital for drama queen mia. Brynn got to be the first and she pooped in the tub. Haha good thing daddy was giving her a bath. Girls are still trying to back down off continous feed to bolus feeds. The are having a little problems digesting. Might take a while. They are still gaining weight. Please pray for the girls to continue to do good,pray their head ultrasounds are normal next week, and pray they got to bolus and stop bradying so they don't have to go back on caffeine.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

3 lbs

Mia is over 3# today!!! Brynn is 2# 7 1/2 oz, and Adrie is 2# 10 oz. Yeah!!! Adrie also learned to suck her thumb today.  Yesterday was bath day and Nurse Susie decided we should try tub baths.  I went across and down the hall to get pumping supplies and heard Mia scream all the way down there when they put her in the tub!! LOL. She hates baths. We were joking that she was yelling to her sisters Don't pick the tubby, don't pick the tubby.  hahahaha.  Adrie got her patches removed to find a hemangioma hidden under her patch.  Much to her daddy's shock... he thought nurse Susie did it!!  We had to have the NP Jen come down to calm dad down! We all laughed.  Something funny to remember. Here are some pics taken today.

                                                            Adrie sucking thumb
                                                   Brynn sleeping like daddy
                                                                 Mia our Drama Queen!

Friday, September 9, 2011

3 weeks old Happy Birthday Mommy

Happy Birthday Mommy!! Sorry I haven't been keeping up on my postings Joe had a little surprise for me for my birthday so he didn't bring my camera or my computer around for a few days.  Ok so here is the update on the girls, we were moved to the step down "green" zone yesterday.  The girls are going back to bolus feeding so they can eventually nurse. They are all taken off Caffeine so that is great.  They are all gaining weight on the 24 calorie feedings.  Mia is 2# 15 1/2 oz, Brynn is 2# 7 1/4 oz, and Adrie is 2# 10 1/4 oz.  All are above their birth weights. 
                                                          Adrie, Brynn, Mia

                                                         Adrie                                      Brynn
                                                          Adrie              Brynn       Mia
Mia, Brynn, Adrie

For my birthday Joe had a photo taken of him holding all the girls on early morning.  The photo said Happy Birthday Mommy on each of their backs.  Also later in the day he gave me another photo of him and the girls and Addie photo shopped in.  It was so cute.  My friends then surprised me with a visit and dessert.  And to top the night off our nurse let ME hold all three girls. I had a GREAT BIRTHDAY!!!!! BEST EVER!!!!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

New pics

Girls are doing good.  I made it home today to visit with the girls big sister Addie.  We went up town to subway in the truck.  She was happy to see me, it had been almost 3 weeks since I had been home.  She always sniffed my belly when I pulled up in the car and today she did the same thing but acted like where are they mommy? I don't smell them in your belly anymore.  She totally knows something is up.  Can't wait for her to meet them!!! Here are some pics I took the other day on my phone..

Saturday, September 3, 2011

go Irish

Today is notre dame football Saturday! The girls are getting their first Irish outfits today at 4pm so watch for the pics. They are all doing good today. We r hoping to get another family pic today. Adrie and Brynn lost their umbilical cords and we r waiting for Mia to lose hers...it will be soon it is rising up already. Went to the dr yesterday and all is well. She wanted to see pics of the girls. check back later to see pics of the girls :) Go Irish!