In case you haven't heard yet the girls were born Friday August 19th at 6:41 pm, 6:42pm, and 6:43 pm. It all started Weds night/Thursday early in the AM I didn't sleep at all that night due to contractions and nasal congestion. The contractions were about every ten minutes and sometimes strong and other times not so much. I was trying to drink water and lay on side to see if they were just braxton hicks contractions. After Joe left for work I went into bed to sleep and if I woke up with the contractions I would call the Dr. When I woke up I was still having them and she told me to go to Labor and Delivery to be monitored. This was Thurs at 10am. We got up to L&D at Toledo Hospital around 11 and I was put on monitors for contractions and the girls' heart rates. All were good and the contractions were coming at a regular pace so they gave me the same drug as before to stop them but after an hour it didn't stop them. They decided to give me another drug oral every six hours and keep me overnight for observation they checked me and i was 50% efaced and 1 cm dilated. Around 5pm on Thurs I was moved to a room and was monitored the rest of the day and all night. The contractions didn't stop so Thurs night they increased the dose to every four hours oral pill. Friday morning was good, I wasn't having very many contractions, if I did have any they were lite. Drs were thinking i would be discharged Friday for sure but around 12:30 I started not feeling well and nauseated. The contractions were starting to come back but not extremely painful. Dr Mason (who is my OB) said she was going to keep me another day and have the high risk dr come up and visit me. Around 1pm Dr Hnat (high risk dr) came up and checked me and said I was more efaced and was definately dilated to 1cm. He said he hoped that the babies didn't come tonight but it was a possiblility. So I should stay on clear liquids just incase and be rechecked at now that was the first time someone had even mentioned the girls being born. I of course became very nervous, but he reassured me it might not happen but he just wanted to be cautious. Things kinda calmed down from that point my contractions were a minimum, Joe and my mom came down after work around 3pm we were sitting around talking and about 4pm (Friday) I started in on some prettty heavy contractions coming pretty regular. My nurse called over to Labor and Delivery were Dr Mason was and she said bring me over and she would check me. Around 4:30 they moved me over to L&D and started me on Magnesium to stop the contractions at this point the nurse said I had about a 50% chance of delivering in the next 1 1/2 hr. I wasn't nervous because I thought they would stop..The nurse tried to check my cervix but was unable due to Mia's head was coming down and blocking during contractions. So Dr Mason had to come over around 5:20 and she tried to check and had the same lucky and I was still contracting which was not helping. So inbetween contractions Dr Mason tried again and found Mia's head was really far down, I was 90 % efaced and dilated to 2 cm with Mia's sac bulgding. She said we are going for a c-section now and off we went. The girls were born
Mia Lynn 6:41 pm 2# 12 oz 39 cm
Brynn Attison 6:42 pm 2# 5 oz 36.5 cm
Adrie Jo 6:43 pm 2# 8oz 40 cm
They are in the NICU but breathing on their own with nasal O2 and they have biliruben light on them. But they are doing well for being so early!! i will keep you guys posted and hopefully post pics tomorrow. Please keep all of us in your prayers. Pray for the girls to be strong and for my milk to come in.
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