Sunday, April 22, 2012

8 mons

The girls are 8 months. They all are starting to sit up and trying to crawl. Two weigh 13 # and the other is 12 1/2 #. Last DR appt they finally made the growth chart!!! WOO HOO! That was a big step for us.  They are all doing good, we have been taking walks and attending various sporting events.  We are trying to get the girls out and about as much as possible as long as the weather is good. Not much else going on right now. Here are some pics ENJOY

Monday, April 16, 2012


Here is Brynners making her noises....always good for a laugh


here are the girls with their wild hair!!
and cute smiles!

Easter Pic

Here are some pictures from Easter. The girls are sitting in their high chairs and starting to eat cereal. Next month we are hoping to start eating real food. We went to the preemie walk in downtown Toledo this past weekend.  We met up with Hannah, Adrie's roomie in the NICU and Nurse Amanda along with some other nurses from the NICU.  It was great to see everyone doing so well.  We can't wait for the NICU reunion in the fall. The girls have been out and about several times for walkings in town. We love the warm weather and can't wait for the summer!

 girls at the walk with Hannah and her mom.